
Our Story

cheryl chester

The vision for Silent Tears Ministry was given to me many years ago. My childhood experiences and love for God had unknowingly provided a frame of reference for this ministry. Despite suffering and deprivation, I experienced the Lord Jesus in a real way that has marked my life forever.

Astonishment at the Revelation of Silent Tears

Much to my astonishment, I saw water pouring down from the hearts of these elegantly dressed, seemingly well-poised women. Again, I asked God, “What is this?” God responded, “These are silent tears.” I asked God how to minister to these hurting women because I felt that I had no experiential knowledge of their pain.Holy Spirit, we declare that God will bring healing and deliverance to those wounded in spirit, restoring their confidence and joy in Him. No longer will they be prisoners of their pain or shed silent tears, but they will actively pursue increased joy in the Lord.

Our Story

The dire financial hardship as a graduate student in London led to a closer walk with God. A vision during a conference revealed Silent Tears Ministry (STM), where God showed a scroll with women shedding silent tears. Understanding that God wanted to use their pain, the vision shifted to showcasing the assistant’s childhood experiences, indicating that their life story would bring healing to these women. Despite feeling inadequate, the assistant launched STM virtually in April 2020 after a kairos moment during the pandemic.